Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Resolutions

Honestly, I don't normally do New Years Resolutions. I make smaller goals throughout the year when I want to accomplish something. This year is going to bring a lot of changes: graduating, getting a "big girl" job, moving and who knows what else. I decided this year to have 2 resolutions. Both of them are not specific and I figure throughout the year whatever it brings that I can plan specifically what I want to do. I will have a video below if you want to watch. 

1. To be mindful of "Stuff" 

- This resolution is two fold. The first is the beginning of the year (until May) I want to focus on using things up that we own and getting rid of things we don't need before we move. Once we move this resolution is transformed it to be aware of our money and start paying off our student loans.

2. Become a Better Me

-This resolution has many parts:
~Eat Healthier 
~Get More Fit  
~Call/Text People on a Regular Basis 
~Be More Outgoing 
~Don't be as Anxious 
This resolution has many parts of things I want to get better at and goals I want to work towards. Many parts of this resolution I don't have specific goals yet, but I want to slowly work on these and see how it goes and then will add specific goals. 

Let me know what your resolutions are down below! Have a wonderful day!


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