Thursday, May 15, 2014

End of the Spring 2014 Semster

Today as I was waiting for my teachers to input my final grades I thought I would let you know how my classes went. I was taking 6 classes which totaled up to 14 hours, which isn't bad at all. 
First day of the semester! 
1. Teaching Science (K-6)- This class and my Literacy Class tied directly to my practicum class which was nice, but made this confusing on what assignment was for what class. I loved my teacher for this class she was super understanding and willing to work with you. I feel like we didn't cover much in this class, but our class always took the whole time. I wish we had done more ways to teach specific content versus the sporadic way we learned. I liked this class and I feel ready to teach students science. 

2. Teaching Literacy (K-2) - This class I feel like a learned a lot about how students learn to read as well as some strategies and problems that help students. We also learned some ways to evaluate students know where they are in their reading development. Next semester we have a class about teaching literacy for 3rd - 6th graders, so I am excited for that class!  

3. Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners- This class touched on a lot of touchy subjects like LGBTQ parents, immigration and more that as teachers we will have to deal with. Overall, we learned that as a teacher you need to get to know your students and have equity not necessarily fairness. 
Half-way through the semester!

4. Classroom Assessment (K-6) - This class we only had once a week but we went trhough different types of assessments and how and when they would be used. This class is going to be more and more helpful as I progress. 

5. Math for Elementary School Teachers- I hated this class! This class is run through the Math department at my school, so even though I have had a ton of math they wouldn't let me get out of it. On top of this the teacher was not a great teacher because he bored me and then I had a friend who isn't the best at math and he couldn't reach her. As I talked to people in the class they were either getting A's or C/D's no in-between. I am glad I am done, next semester I am taking class about teaching math K-6 which I am looking forward to! 

5. Practicum- This is the best class! Mainly because it's not really a typical class, this is when you went to the schools with two other partners and taught lessons and were in the classroom. THe first half of the semester we were in a Kindergarten room and taught literacy. It was so fun! The second half we were in a 6th grade room teaching science. Both were fun, but I definently like the younger grades better! 
Last day!

I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day! What was your favorite class this semester?  

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