Saturday, January 10, 2015

Life Update

Sorry this didn't go up on Friday, I was planning on a nail or outfit post, but neither worked out. I thought I would post an update since I haven't done one in awhile

This week was my first week at my internship which means I am in an elementary school for 8 hrs/day and the school is 30 min. away so it makes for a long day. We did get a "cold day" on Wednesday due to wind chill temperatures, so that was nice. I am still getting used to getting up early and keeping up with my first graders. 

I am in a first grade classroom on an Army Base which is awesome! There are so many students with different backgrounds and languages. I am so excited to learn from them and my cooperating teacher this year! 

We have an adorable little girl who speaks German (I think) and is learning English. On Friday she was given a sticker with a dog and the word genius on it. I asked her if she knew what the word was and she said no. I told her that it said genius and she said that must be the dog's name. I then said "Maybe, but I think it is talking about you." She gave me this little smile. I then asked her if she knew what it meant and she said no. I explained, "That is was someone who was super smart!" She gave me the biggest smile and her eyes got really big and she gave me a huge hug! 

In case you can't tell I love my students! They are precious! We have bonded so much in the three short days. Monday was a teacher work day.  

Other than than that, nothing much has been going on. My husband and I have been slowly trying to sell things and declutter. This is going to be a whole semester thing and I am so happy we are starting now! Another thing I have been working on is my attitude, I had some things happen over Christmas break that really upset and hurt me. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to handle them. In case you are wondering Andy (my husband) and I are great! He has definitely been my rock during this. I love him! 

I hope you enjoyed this update! Let me know if you want to hear more cute and funny stories each week! Have a wonderful day! 


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