Saturday, January 25, 2014

First Week Back & A Casual Friday Outfit!

This was the first week back to school. I am in the 2nd of 4 semesters focused on Elementary Education. This semester I am taking...

  • Elementary Literacy Methods K-2 -- This class has the best teacher and is all about strategies to use with little kids to help them learn to read or read better. I love children's book and reading with them! I am excited for this class! 
  • Teaching Science: K-6 --  Based on the title, I bet you can guess what this class is about. It is about how to teach science for elementary school, it goes with the Practicum class (see below). I don't remember science in elementary school. I did really liked science, for the most part, throughout middle and high school as well as college. I think this class will be lots of fun! 
  • Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learning -- This class seems like it will be super helpful! It is going to help answer the tough situations you might face as a teacher. One example is if there is a student in your class that is Muslim and needs to pray 5 times a day. Where does he/she pray? This class isn't necessarily about what is wrong or right but those gray areas that can get messy. 
  • Practicum--  This class isn't really a class. It is where we go out to the elementary schools in the area and for the first half we are in grades K-3 helping them with reading and teaching a lesson. The second half we go into the schools and as a group teach a lesson on science (3rd-5th). I am SO excited for this class and being out in the schools! 
  • Math for Elementary Teachers -- This class is the only one that is not one of the ones I have to take together. I could have taken this class anytime before I student teach. This class is going to be the hardest class to care about for a few reasons... 
    • I know what the teacher is teaching
    • The teacher isn't teaching us how to teach children, but actually teaching us the math
    • The teacher is like all the negative (not funny qualities) of the Big Bang Theory characters (I love that show)    

Overall, I am hoping that I do learn to teach children better than prior to this semester! I am excited that I am getting close to a career I really have a passion for! Remember, even if you can do the classes of a major doesn't mean that major is for you!  

I am going to make a post on the organization I am using this semester, but one is picking out outfits before the week starts. The outfit I ended up wearing Friday was cute and casual. I loved it! Here is a link to the video I posted! Let me know what you think or if you are in school what classes you are taking! 

Thanks for reading! 

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