Friday, January 3, 2014

Work Time Again!

Sorry I forgot to push publish, instead of save last night

Today was the first time back to work since before finals in December. I forgot how much patience my job takes at time. I am a cashier at a grocery store. Sometimes, I work at the cashier in the food court area. Today was one of those days, I worked 7 AM (it was SO hard to get up this morning) until 3 PM, meaning I got the breakfast and lunch rush! There are certain customers that come in that many people try and avoid. They are never mean or unhelpful, they just might not go the extra mile for them.

One of these customers that I had never seen before came in today. He started talking to me and I didn't believe hardly anything he was saying, but I tried to be nice anyway. It took him awhile to order and when I took it back to the cook, she said that he follows our main kitchen manager around the store. I laughed and said, "Well, if he tries to follow me around, he will be walking in small circles all day." I am usually very busy and constantly moving, but I am in small area where customers can sit and eat. I felt bad for the
 guy and tried to talk to him, but I think he got bored of following me after he finished eating because he left and continued his shopping. I had another worker come up to me, while he was sitting and eat and tell me not to listen to anything he says, it's a bunch of BS. I told her I figured that out within the first few sentences. There is no harm in letting him talk to me, at least he won't bother anyone else.

Besides that customer the morning was slow, we had some regulars and that was about it. When I came back from my break a little after noon, it was a mad house! My job is to check people out and bus the tables and help if the kitchen needs it. I had someone helping me check for 20 minutes and we had a constant 10 people that whole time! Pretty much the rest of my shift was busy with people checking out and cleaning up their tables, I did make a few handwritten signs as well.

On a positive not I got to try the best sushi EVER (and I am not a huge sushi fan)! My register is right by the sushi counter and they were a new roll that they had never made so everyone in Chinese, Sushi, & I got to try it! It was called a South Philly Roll I think...It had
White Rice & Seaweed
Smoked Salmon
Honey Wasabi (which tasted like Honey Mustard)
and something else, which I can't remember! It was so good!

When I got home my husband I went to the gym and ran 1 mile and then ran on the elliptical for about 1.3 miles. I haven't written any specific goals for this year down, but one for sure (like everyone else) is to get more in shape!

Thanks for reading!

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